Anti Aging Agent

Friday 30 September 2011

Foods that Improve Your Looks

Spinach Popeye’s favorite won’t necessarily make your muscles bulge like the pipe-smoking Pipsqueak, but spinach is rich in the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin that are great for keeping the whites of your eyes clear -- a particular benefit if you happen to be a frequent flier on the Vegas red eye. Spinach is great in salads, curries, and a perfect addition to S.F. mixers for the Crave Lifer’s. The iron-rich green is a perfect accompaniment to chicken and fish. Grill or broil your chicken or fish with our Crave Salsa & marinades and cook some spinach in a pan with no water, squeezing off any excess after a couple of minutes. Remove from the heat, season and serve, sitting your chicken or fish on top of the spinach so the juices drizzle through.

Start the day with an egg blended with your S.F. Mixer! These ever-ready sources of energy often make the quickest and easiest protein boosters available. Eggs are high in iron, which can help prevent hair loss and are also high in sulfur, which helps keep your hair soft and smooth.


A banana is a bit of a freaky eat in that it keeps your skin nice and elastic. Let’s make fast strides towards perfect skin with a S.F. mixer, blended with a banana. Try this little experiment: Grab a few people of differing ages and gently (!) pinch the skin on the back of their wrists. Pull it up and release. The quicker it goes back, the more elastic it is. Things like smoking cigarettes do loads of damage to the elasticity in your birthday suit, and the potassium in bananas can help with this, as bananas are foods that can improve your looks.

Our purple pals are a strong ally in the fight to keeping up our appearances. Beetroot contains betaine, which is a bioactive agent that helps with the breakdown of fats. Their juice also contains a form of chlorine that aids digestion by doing the same thing. Now, beet juice might not be the most appealing thing, but you should still be able to get a fair whack of beet goodness from eating them in their natural state. At least twice a week, we suggest adding ½ beet (sliced several times) into your S.F. mix and blend. If you haven’t eaten beets before, there is a remarkable side effect, but we’ll leave you to discover that on your own. LOL!

A last addition to Crave Life’s perfect list of foods that improve your looks are guavas. Guavas are high in antioxidants to counteract the free radicals that cause skin damage and will leave you looking prematurely old. You actually don’t even need to eat it if you aren’t a fan. Just squish the flesh into submission and rub it on your skin -- but wash it off before you head out on the town. They’re also rich in vitamin C, containing five times as much as the humble orange. To top it off, they have a whole host of other health benefits. The best way to eat these bad boys is obvious! Straight into the blender with your S.F. mix and a good squeeze of fresh lime juice.

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